Qualities of a Real Estate Buyer's Agent in Australia

Qualities of a Real Estate Buyer’s Agent in Australia

What attributes make a good buyer’s agent that you should look out for? A buyer’s agent is the legal representative of a home investor or home buyer in the real estate market. Moreover, the real estate market has several players that play a collective role in property sales.

collective role in property sales

This team includes home inspectors, property managers, appraisers, valuers, mortgage loan officers, and government agencies. Others are contractors, developers, and bankers who can work for sellers or buyers. Finally, the real movers are the real estate agents and brokers.

These professionals coordinate the entire process of home buying and home selling. One can liken a buyer’s agent to a music conductor who organizes and coordinates a symphony. They direct all the different players in the orchestra on what to do at the time to achieve harmony.

At different stages in the home buying process, the real estate buyer’s agent can play different roles and wear different caps. For instance, he can be the buyer’s advocate, a business manager, a financial consultant, an analyst, a marketer, and a negotiator.

Real estate agents are involved with the purchasing process, negotiation process, building inspections, arranging inspections, auction bidding, and the entire process of buying homes. Hiring a real estate agent is a key difference in the current market if a property buyer will make profits from the investment properties. 

Buyer’s agents save time and help prospective home buyers in the whole process of getting the specific property they desire. Whether a family home or commercial property for capital growth, you need the full service of a buyers advocacy. In delivering quality services for the real estate home buyer, the buyers’ agent must possess the following attributes:

The mindset of a problem-solver

Navigating through the process of home buying is not child’s play and therefore requires inner strength. A good buyer’s agent must be versatile in creating workable solutions to problems and issues. The mindset of a problem solver will always see something positive in every situation.

As a result, no matter how poor a deal appears, the buyer’s agent can see the potential benefits of such an investment. However, the success of the seller’s agent depends on how well he can market the property and create an attractive listing for potential buyers.

Remember that both agents can access a property through off-market listings and silent listings. Also, a piece of in-depth knowledge about the locality is an advantage in finding a perfect property. Buyer’s agents are your surest best to success in investment property. 

Ending with unsuitable properties is not the only regret of not using a buyers advocate; an ideal property requires the skill and experience of a buyers advocate. Using a buyer’s agent can also prvide independtn advice to acquire your dream home as a suitable property.


The buyer’s agent depends on the homebuyer; he should not depend on others. Ordinarily, there are many rotten eggs within the real estate industry, and these are selfish. They only defend their interest and not the buyers’ interests.

Yet, it would help if you had a professional home buyer’s agent who puts your need first, irrespective of the offers from other potential buyers. Unfortunately, there are also cases of buyer’s agents that receive commissions and kickbacks from real estate developers who are selling off stock.

The first step is to verify the credibility of the buyer’s agent to be sure he is registered and licensed by the state or region of operation. The agent or buyer’s agency must be open about all the terms and conditions of the signed agreement before closing the deal.

Similarly, they should declare any commission or rebate that may be involved in the home-buying process. For example, the real estate buyer’s agent must be accredited by the industry body REBAA. As a result, he cannot receive any other commission while under contract with a buyer.

Rich experience and credentials


We cannot underplay the importance of a buyer’s agent’s qualifications and experience. While he may possess the real estate license to practice within the target locality, he will only need a registration certificate if he works under a buyers agency in Australia.

In many states, obtaining this certification takes only about five days. Apart from the formal registration and qualification, you will need to verify the level of experience of the buyer’s agent you are dealing with to be sure you are in the right hands.

If you have some doubts at any time, you can ask the right questions about these concerns to ascertain your knowledge of the person. For example, some simple questions may be how long he has been working as an agent, both with a buyer’s agent and an independent agent.

You may also want to know if they have been speaking with other previous clients within the real estate industry. The answers to these questions and the confidence level you see may indicate how much faith and trust you should have in these buyers’ agents.

Cost and Fee structure

The price of the property varies, and so also the cost of hiring buyer’s agents to get the correct value from the property. An agent will usually have a few options for service, including the full search and the purchase service. 

In addition, it can promote the negotiation process and an evaluation of the home or investment property for you. Meanwhile, the property purchase price is a factor of the buyer’s budget and the selling agents’ offer among other factors. 

The buyer’s agent can provide you with a fixed fee divided into different price brackets. In other cases, it may be expressed as a fraction or percentage of the selling price of the property. Either way, you can be confident that the buyer’s agent has your best interest at heart.

Mind you, having a cost that is a percentage of the home price provides the avenue for the agent not to go for the lowest sale price. But on the other hand, the buyer’s agent can use either price structure that will still benefit him in the long run.


A buyer’s agent must see himself as an entrepreneur with the skills and expertise to control his professional destiny. Being his boss, he can share this trait with some top professionals within the industry.

Moreover, what it takes to be the best is only a string of intelligent decisions that yield excellent results. Therefore, the agent must believe in himself and must be one beaming with confidence. The buyer’s agent cost must also be clear with in-depth local knowledge.

He must have the necessary drive, motivation, self-esteem, and other attributes of a great leader and achiever. A prospective buyer in real estate wants assurance of the current market value from licensed professionals.

Buyer’s agent works to provide every help in the purchase process of ideal properties. After you find properties you like, you will need to use a buyer’s agent to access property prices. So, a buying agent must be as motivated as a selling agent in teh course of property investing.

Honesty and integrity

Without honesty and integrity, a professional will lead a tainted career in any industry. The same goes for the property market. The professional reputation of the buyer’s agent will always precede them a long way before closing a deal. It may even be the anchor of your connection.

Part of the professional reputation is also the National Association of Realtors membership. Belong to this association validates that this buyer’s agent has been practising according to the profession’s ethical standards.

All members of NAR must pledge an oath of allegiance to a strict Code of Ethics and the standards of practice of real estate agents. Homeowners who also want to sell real estate need a buyer’s advocate to trust. They provide help in the entire buying process.


In conclusion, bearing all these qualities in mind, it is easier to identify the best buyer’s agents among the rest. At the same time, choosing the best agent requires investment in specific resources, including time, money, and energy. 

As for the agent’s reward, he may charge a fixed fee, an engagement fee, a flat fee, or a percentage of a purchase price. The real estate agents also work hand-in-hand with the selling agents within the local real estate market. 

if you hope to find the right property at the right price, then you need the services of an expert buyers agent. This guide rewards your passion for securing a profitable deal at the right price.

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